A picture is available of every President - click a name to see the selected president's photo.
Date of Office | President | Years at School |
1923 - 26 | JH Hitchcock | (HM 1895-1926) |
1926 - 28 | WB Thompson | (HM 1926-28) |
1928 - 29 | JH Hitchcock | (HM 1895-1926) |
1929 - 30 | Sir Bernard Keen Kt FRS | (1902-08) |
1930 - 31 | Dr E Mallett | (1902-05) |
1931 - 32 | GM Junner | (1902-07) |
1932 - 33 | Dr SA Forbes | (1903-07) |
1933 - 34 | WJM Last | (1910-14) |
1934 - 35 | TW Jones | (1914-16) |
1935 - 36 | JJ Jarvis | (1909-15) |
1936 - 37 | Ald. A Bockett JP | (School Governor) |
1937 - 38 | WH Clough | (1910-16) |
1938 - 46 | EF Wilkins CBE | (1914-18) |
1946 - 47 | Major MAH Ditton | (1913-20) |
1947 - 48 | JJ Hawkins | (1917-23) |
1948 - 49 | Dr WI Moore | (HM 1929-51) |
1949 - 50 | EW Penn | (1915-20) |
1950 - 51 | GW Hogsflesh | (1917-21) |
1951 - 52 | RJRD Amesbury | (1916-22) |
1952 - 53 | AO Cleaver | (1915-20) |
1953 - 54 | CL Davey | (1915-20) |
1954 - 55 | RG Main | (1919-23) |
1955 - 56 | CW Ardley | (1910-14) |
1956 - 57 | WB Wyatt | (Staff 1921-56) |
1957 - 58 | HWP Maley | (1928-32) |
1958 - 59 | WE Francis AIB | (1926-32) |
1959 - 60 | HJL Johnson | (1920-25) |
1960 - 61 | LE Harvey | (1924-30) |
1961 - 62 | JTE Moss | (1914-18) |
1962 - 63 | Dr FA Williams I.S.O, MSc, PhD | (1913-20) |
1963 - 64 | JL Hood DFC | (1925-30) |
1964 - 65 | CH Burton | (1923-27) |
1965 - 66 | RN Pearson | (1929-33) |
1966 - 67 | BWD Bransden | (1924-31) |
1967 - 68 | WA Jones | (1914-18) |
1968 - 69 | SC Speller ACIB | (1929-36) |
1969 - 70 | AG Bennett | (1925-30) |
1970 - 71 | LH Brazier FCA CTA | (1934-38) |
1971 - 72 | FR Price MA | (HM 1951-71) |
1972 - 73 | VH Hare | (1923-29) |
1973 - 74 | HJ Jarvis | (1943-47) |
1974 - 75 | MH Dumbell ACII | (1936-42) |
1975 - 76 | JSA Speed | (1946-53) |
1976 - 77 | RH Henn | (1943-47) |
1977 - 78 | RG Fretten BSc | (1945-53) |
1978 - 79 | NR Moore | (1945-50) |
1979 - 80 | IW Haxell AIWS, T.E.M. | (1931-37) |
1980 - 81 | GW Fyvie ACIB | (1935-41) |
1981 - 82 | DAW Chandler | (1952-59) |
1982 - 83 | DJ Painter ACII, FPC | (1953-60) |
1983 - 84 | CB Wyatt | (1931-38), (Staff 1951-81) |
1984 - 85 | NF Lowe J.P. MA, FCA, FICFM | (1947-54) |
1985 - 86 | JM Ralph BEM | (1965-72) |
1986 - 87 | WG Clarke | (1937-42) |
1987 - 88 | MH Dumbell ACII | (1936-42) |
1988 - 89 | RA Campbell-Carr | (1959-66) |
1989 - 90 | EG Morris MA | (HM 1971-88) |
1990 - 91 | AJB Sargent | (1954-61) |
1991 - 92 | CB Hodges | (1963-70) |
1992 - 93 | WB Hodgson | (1952-57) |
1993 - 94 | GR Littler Dip. Arch, RIBA | (1956-63) |
1994 - 95 | NM Baker TD, F.Inst PET | (1946-54) |
1995 - 96 | JDW Chase | (1940-46) |
1996 - 97 | Dr P Husselbee MB, BS | (1972-80) |
1997 - 98 | Dr GP Kittle MB, Ch.B. | (1960-67) |
1998 - 99 | Dr PB Hardwick BSc. LRCP, MRCS, QHP | (1944-52) |
1999 - 00 | ADJ McFarlane LL.B | (1974-81) |
2001 - 02 | Prof RO Moss MBE, Ph.D, RIBA | (1937-41) |
2003 | AG Essex M.Inst.PET, MICS | (1944-47) |
2004 | JG Norris | (1949-56) |
2005 | JDW Chase | (1940-46) |
2006 | DS Tilbrook ACIB | (1954-61) |
2007 | KR Carter | (1958-63) |
2008 | MD Frampton BA | (HM 1988-2007) |
2009 | RWS Cox | (1968-73) |
2010 | DM Impey | (1950-55) |
2011 | PB Johnson ACIB | (1966-73) |
2012 | AJ Wren C Eng. MICE FCIWEM | (1940-45) |
2013 | KJ Holmes | (1945-50) |
2014 | AJ Barrett FCA | (School Governor 1994-2012) |
2015 | RG Maddison | (1962-69) |
2016 | MJ Stansfield BSc | (Staff 1971-2010) |
2017 | GJ Glover BSc, FRICS | (1967-74) |
2018 | K Leigh LLB | (1978-81) |
2019 | CP Sorrell | (1975-82) |
2020 - 21 | AP Crow | (1974-81) |
2022 | KA Spenceley BA, MRICS | (1973-80) |
2023 | DP Garside ACCA | (1988-95) |
2024 | JS Harrington | (1968-75) |
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