"Chin-wag" Online Catch Ups

As many of you will remember we began quarterly “Chin-wags” for the OSA members during lockdown, enabling us to connect via Zoom, with friends old and new around the country and indeed around the world. At the start of 2024, Andy Crow (previously President 2020-2021, now Chair of the OSA Executive Committee) is re-booting the Chin-wags, with upcoming dates listed below:



The return of the Chin-wag

  • Tuesday 23rd January 2024
  • 7 PM GMT

As we enter 2024 I thought it would be a great idea to re-boot the idea, giving me an opportunity to update you all on the Association and of course have some great chats in the breakout rooms.

More information and details have been sent out by email from the OSA Registrar.

If you would like to join the call please email me at and I will send you the invite link a couple of days beforehand.

Andy writes...

The Online "Chin-wag" gives everyone in the Old Southendian community a chance to see some friendly faces even if you only “pop in” for half an hour. Depending on the interest from you we may look to split it into more than one group to cover various ages.

We held our first “Chin-wag” on Zoom in May 2020 which was a thoroughly enjoyable affair bringing together people from all generations.

We had over 25 attendees who visited the conversation for various amounts of time. From a personal point of view, I met some fantastic people for the first time. There were some real characters present!

I hope to see some of you soon at an upcoming event.