The Old Southendian Organ Society (OSOS) is a society set up to protect and enhance the future of the War Memorial Organ at Southend High School for Boys. The youngest of the OSA's Affiliated Organisations, OSOS was formally constituted in 2014.
We aim to assist the School, alongside the Old Southendian Association, in supporting current pupils with their organ endeavours, and further enhance the opportunities available to them through the friendly community of past School Organists and Old Boys.
Our highly popular concerts are not the usual organ only nor organist only affair - we aim to promote all types of music (from song to ensemble, classical to jazz, strings to woodwind, young and older Old Southendian performers, and performers from the school).
We directly support the student organists at the School with visits to see organs and organists elsewhere (such as St. Paul's Cathedral), encourage their development, and promote their successes and achievements.
Our growing membership and donors enable all of this, and we welcome anyone (musician or not, organist or not, Old Southendian or not) to join us.
Full information on OSOS may be found on our website ( Feel free to contact us via our website - we'd be glad to hear from you, have your support and see you at our events!
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