Want to Join?

At over 2,500 members, the Old Southendian Association is a growing community, and we'd be pleased to have you join us!

Read some of the reasons why you might like to become a member below, and sign up today either by sending us your details online via our secure sign up process, or by requesting paper forms from our Registrar.

Why join the OSA?

Giving back to the School

The Association is proud to be able to support the School in a variety of ways, from sponsoring awards made at the School's prizegiving ceremonies, to awarding money to individual departments across the School to enhance the opportunities available to students.

Recent awards include support for English, Economics, Art, History, Sixth Form Wellbeing and Extended Project EPQs.

125th Anniversary Garden

Coming soon - a special project to celebrate the School's 125th Anniversary by creating a quiet reflection space on an area of the West field, as a permanent gift from friends of the School.

Initial consultations on this project regarding the garden's design are underway - more will be revealed later this year!

A friendly community with a shared past

The Association exists to "sustain friendships"...

Beyond events organised in our formal calendar, the Association keeps you connected with your contemporaries and introduces you to others for social, sporting, musical, networking or other possibilities! All Old Southendians have their time at the School in common - past students, past and present staff and governors are all welcome to join!

Supporting sporting success

The Association supports the School in its sporting endeavours, such as by sponsoring sports kits. It also incorporates several successful affiliated sports clubs, including Football, Cricket and Hockey clubs, plus a Golf Circle, Bowls Circle and Angling society. Some of the sports clubs also benefit from facilities at The Southendian Clubhouse at Garon's Park.

Card image cap

A new initiative to support the mental health and wellbeing of all Old Southendians, Chat-OSA aims to ensure that all members have someone to talk to through all of life's challenges, either via our forum, informal online videoconference "Chin-wag" chat evenings, or one-to-one. You may feel alone in the world at times with your problems but being part of the OSA means you will never be alone.

Enhancing opportunities in music

The outstanding range and quality of music available at the School has seen many students go on to succeed in the musical world. The Association has regularly supported the Music Department, subsidising Music Tours, and contributing towards instruments.

The Association also encompasses a wider community of musicians through our 'Old Boys' Big Band and also the Old Southendian Organ Society which bring together pupils and staff past and present to perform locally.

Regular social events

The Association organises a full calendar of social events, with the sell-out event of the year being the Annual Reunion Dinner (held in Southend) bringing together over 250 past members of the School from all years. The London Dinner, alongside various Autumn, Spring, Seafront, Curry lunches/dinners provide good opportunies to connect with Old Southendians of all ages and professions. A Ladies Group also meets for a variety of events each year.

Stay connected with the School and the Association

An annual magazine is published for members with articles covering School and Association activities, news from members, and more! Our Facebook group and online presence brings members together wherever they are in the world. Additionally, the Association is supporting the creation of a digital archive dating back to 1895. Former pupil Zoe Johnstone (pictured) was involved in that project, and has since reconnected with one of the Old Southendian team for work experience in filming and production.

Direct access to the business community

The membership of the Association is broad, and includes numerous successful local business leaders and senior City professionals, with opportunities for networking to pursue employment in a wide range of professions and to seek advice on your career.

Sign up today

Our secure online forms are available to sign up as a member for £10 a year. Paper application forms are also available:

Contact the Registrar at with any queries.