86th Annual Reunion Dinner

The 2015 dinner was once again held at The Park Inn Palace Hotel. Those who are local and those who travel and need somewhere to stay for the night find it a most convenient location. If anyone knows of a venue that can cater for 300 plus then please do let the entertainments committee know. Everyone arrived in good time and a full house of 228 sat down to eat by 7.30.

Once again Ken Holmes travelled from Luxembourg, Dr Greg Rock from Norway and Chris Sharpe came home early from Singapore to be with us. Members travelled from all over the UK and several came back for the weekend from University as well. It was particularly good to welcome Kate Cooper (nee Walter) for the first time who was the first lady senior prefect in 1994/95.

We enjoyed a three course meal consisting of Country style pate with plum & apple chutney and rustic bread, Roast chicken breast with baby button mushrooms and smoked bacon lardons and roast potatoes served with a rich red wine sauce with a dessert of baked vanilla pod cheesecake on crunchy biscuit base with a berry compote and vanilla cream sauce. Chris Sorrell our regular toastmaster made sure the evening ran to time and was regularly punctuated with various toasts.

After this the speeches began with our President Richard Maddison who proposed the toast to the Association and the school and regaled us of stories of his time as a pupil at SHSB in the 1960s and also when he went back as a Governor. Dr Robin Bevan then spoke at length about the School’s achievements over the last twelve months and regarding the possible future if the political landscape didn’t change and that funding in particular is a huge challenge. Lastly School Captain Matt Jarvis spoke with enthusiasm about his time at school, his own particular year group that he was so proud to lead and why he would be recommending as many of his year group as possible to join the Association when they leave.

The formal part of the evening concluded with the singing of the school song and Auld Lang Syne to the accompaniment of Gerald Usher on the keyboard. As always we finished with three cheers for the school.

We then adjourned to the Bar and onward to our various locations having had a most enjoyable evening with old friends.

A list of attendees to this event may be found here.

Derek Impey (Athens, 1950-1955)