80th Annual Reunion Dinner

This year The Dinner was held once again in The Maritime Rooms at The Cliffs Pavilion and including 11 members of the School Staff was attended by 185 diners , this being the maximum number for comfort.

As there was a waiting list for late bookings, a new venue has been sought to take up to 250 - further details to follow.

The evening commenced with many old friends enjoying a drink or two together in a very crowded Bar after which we were summoned to our tables to be entertained by a Barber Shop Quartet from The School which, from comments received, was much enjoyed.

L to R clockwise from front left (all 2005 leavers), Liz Bartlett, John Kerridge-Phipps, Simon Darby, Ross Whittow-Williams, Alex Simpson, Jay Smith, Sam Dennis, Carl Toomey, Rebekah Pell
L to R Mark Elvidge, Kevin Leigh, Martin Bear, Andrew Impey, Chris Sorrell

Following our 3 course Dinner it was time for more toasts and Speeches started by Charles Sharman-Cox proposing the toast to his brother “Brickie Dickie” Cox our President who then responded on behalf of The Old Boys Association in his renowned fashion.

Cliff Wyatt related some tales from the past and proposed the toast to The School to which Dr Robin Bevan replied highlighting the many achievements both in the Class Rooms and on the Sporting front.

After this we received a short but amusing speech by Tom Frith the School Captain.

A brief break ensued before it was the turn of the School and including some Old Southendians Jazz Band to finish off the evening with some excellent jazz being appreciated until we were escorted in an orderly fashion from the premises at 0.45 hrs to in some cases stagger home and in other cases inflicting further punishment on themselves at other venues.

All in all a very good evening!

The list of members attending the Dinner can be found here.

Derek Impey (Athens, 1950-1955)